Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guppy Breeding Program

I haven't posted for awhile, so hello to all who read this.

This post is about my selective breeding plan for guppies. Here's how it goes:

Mother for round 1
 Buy either an already pregnant female*, or buy a pair of guppies. Be sure the male has the largest tail you can find for genetic purposes.
Get the fry, and then remove the parents to avoid confusion.
Feed the fry a variety of foods so that they are healthy, and be sure to have a sponge filter, and NO substrate. Do have hiding places though.
Once the fry’s anal fins develop and you can tell the gender, remove all the females.
Wait for the male fry to grow up, then select the one with the largest, most colorful tail/fins.
Put the selected male with the non-bred female who appears the healthiest.
Once they have fry, remove the parents.
Watch the second batch of fry grow up, and then pick the your show guppies.

*the second round of breeding is done because you don’t know the genetics of the first father. Otherwise, the second round is optional, but recommended.

Also remember that on your first try, you may have a mortality rate of 50-70%

Other details:

10 gallons

sponge filter

75 F

hiding places (small malaysian driftwood)

food- tiny crushed flakes/fry food- larger fry bloodworms and flakes- parents flakes, hikari small tropical pellets, bloodworms

Small aerator for ideal health

Java moss for babies and adults

Father for round 1